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How to sign: an imaginary being of myth or fable
Categories: imaginary being, imaginary creature
Within this category: Achilles, Aegisthus, Aeneas, Agamemnon, Ajax, Alcyone, Amazon, Antigone, Arjuna, Augeas, Bellerophon, Clytemnestra, Creon, Daedalus, Dardanus, Electra, Enkidu, Eurydice, Fenrir, Galatea, Gilgamish, golem, halcyon, Hector, Helen, Hercules, Hero, hero, houri, Hyperborean, Icarus, Jason, Jocasta, Laertes, Laius, Laocoon, Leander, Leda, Medea, Menelaus, Midas, Myrmidon, mythical monster, Narcissus, Nibelung, Odysseus, Oedipus, Orestes, Orion, Orpheus, Pandora, Patroclus, Pegasus, Peleus, Penelope, Perseus, Phoenix, Priam, Procrustes, Psyche, Pygmalion, Remus, Romulus, Sarpedon, Scylla, Siegfried, Sigurd, Sisyphus, Sita, Stentor, Tantalus, Theseus, Tiresias, Valkyrie, Volund, Wayland, Yggdrasil, Ymir