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How to sign: low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base
Similiar / Same: suffrutex
Within this category: American feverfew, American spikenard, avens, beach heather, bird's foot trefoil, bloodleaf, blue curls, blue star, bristly sarsaparilla, burdock, bur marigold, caltrop, centaury, chaffweed, coral gem, corchorus, cube, darling pea, deer grass, desert plume, diapensia, eriogonum, eryngo, false heather, French honeysuckle, germander, guayule, hoary pea, horseshoe vetch, Jerusalem sage, loosestrife, marguerite, matchweed, matilija poppy, milkwort, mountain avens, pachysandra, partridge pea, periwinkle, phlomis, pinwheel, prairie bird's-foot trefoil, prince's-feather, restharrow, restharrow, sagebrush, sea lavender, sicklepod, St John's wort, sweet vetch, thrift, tick trefoil, twinflower, Western sand cherry, wild lupine, wild sarsaparilla, woodruff, wormwood