ASL Sign Language Dictionary

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bring out

How to sign: make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
"The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold"; "The actress won't reveal how old she is"; "bring;

divulge in ASL Watch how to sign divulge in American Sign Language
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break down and confess in ASL Watch how to sign break down and confess in American Sign Language
break down and confess - SMARTSign Dictionary
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break confidence in ASL Watch how to sign break confidence in American Sign Language
break confidence - SMARTSign Dictionary
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break the news in ASL Watch how to sign break the news in American Sign Language
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divulge in ASL Watch how to sign divulge in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: disclose, let on, divulge, reveal, expose, give away, let out, impart, discover, break

Categories: tell

Within this category: betray, blackwash, blow, come out of the closet, confide, leak, muckrake, out, reveal, spill the beans, spring

bring out

How to sign: make visible
"Summer brings out bright clothes"; "He brings out the best in her"; "The newspaper uncovered the President's illegal dealings";

Uncover in ASL Watch how to sign Uncover in American Sign Language
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uncover in ASL Watch how to sign uncover in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: uncover, reveal, unveil

Categories: show

Within this category: disclose, excavate, trot out, unfold

bring out

How to sign: prepare and issue for public distribution or sale
"publish a magazine or newspaper";

release in ASL Watch how to sign release in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: issue, publish, release, put out

Categories: air, bare, publicise, publicize

Within this category: edit

bring out

How to sign: take out of a container or enclosed space
"Get out your best dress--we are going to a party!";

get out in ASL Watch how to sign get out in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: get out

Categories: take out, unpack

Within this category: winkle

bring out

How to sign: bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.

introduce in ASL Watch how to sign introduce in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: introduce

Categories: acquaint, introduce, present

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