How to sign: the act of grasping "he released his clasp on my arm"; "he has a strong grip for an old man"; "she kept a firm hold on the railing";
holds in ASL
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hold in ASL
Watch how to sign hold in American Sign Language
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hold in ASL
Watch how to sign hold in American Sign Language
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clutch in ASL
Watch how to sign clutch in American Sign Language
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grasp in ASL
Watch how to sign grasp in American Sign Language
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clutch in ASL
Watch how to sign clutch in American Sign Language
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grasp in ASL
Watch how to sign grasp in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: clutches , grip , hold , clasp , clench , grasp
Categories: grasping , prehension , seizing , taking hold
Within this category: chokehold , embrace , wrestling hold
How to sign: take hold of; grab "The salesclerk quickly seized the money on the counter"; "She clutched her purse"; "The mother seized her child by the arm"; "Birds of prey often seize small mammals";
seize an opportunity in ASL
Watch how to sign seize an opportunity in American Sign Language
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seize in ASL
Watch how to sign seize in American Sign Language
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seize in ASL
Watch how to sign seize in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: seize , prehend
Categories: get hold of , take
Within this category: catch , clasp , claw , clench , collar , collar , get , grab , grapple , grip , nab , rack , snatch
How to sign: a pedal that operates a clutch
Clutch in ASL
Watch how to sign Clutch in American Sign Language
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Clutch pedal in ASL
Watch how to sign Clutch pedal in American Sign Language
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clutch in ASL
Watch how to sign clutch in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: clutch pedal
Categories: foot lever , foot pedal , pedal , treadle
How to sign: hold firmly, usually with one's hands "She clutched my arm when she got scared";
cling to in ASL
Watch how to sign cling to in American Sign Language
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cling to in ASL
Watch how to sign cling to in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: cling to , hold close , hold tight
Categories: hold , take hold
Within this category: cuddle
How to sign: a collection of things or persons to be handled together
batch in ASL
Watch how to sign batch in American Sign Language
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batch in ASL
Watch how to sign batch in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: batch
Categories: accumulation , aggregation , assemblage , collection
Within this category: schmeer