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How to sign: a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
Categories: angiosperm, flowering plant
Within this category: achimenes, African daisy, African daisy, African daisy, African violet, ageratum, ammobium, anemone, aster, baby's breath, bartonia, begonia, bellwort, billy buttons, blazing star, bloomer, blue-eyed African daisy, blue daisy, brass buttons, bush violet, butterfly flower, calceolaria, calendula, calla lily, candytuft, cape marigold, Carolina spring beauty, catananche, centaury, China aster, Christmas bells, chrysanthemum, cineraria, columbine, commelina, composite, coneflower, coneflower, coral drops, cornflower, corydalis, cosmos, cotton rose, cowherb, cyclamen, dahlia, daisy, damask violet, delphinium, Easter daisy, fig marigold, florest's cineraria, four o'clock, gazania, gentian, gerardia, globe amaranth, heliophila, horn poppy, kingfisher daisy, lace-flower vine, lesser celandine, lychnis, Malcolm stock, marigold, Mexican sunflower, mistflower, nigella, orchid, oxeye daisy, painted daisy, peony, petunia, pheasant's-eye, pink, poppy, portulaca, prairie rocket, prairie rocket, red valerian, rocket larkspur, rue anemone, sandwort, sandwort, sandwort, scabious, scarlet musk flower, schizopetalon, scorpionweed, shortia, silene, snapdragon, soapwort, sowbread, spathiphyllum, spring beauty, stock, stokes' aster, streptocarpus, sunflower, Swan River daisy, sweet alyssum, sweet sultan, sweet sultan, Texas star, tidytips, toadflax, tuberose, umbrellawort, ursinia, valerian, verbena, veronica, Virginian stock, Virginia spring beauty, wallflower, wallflower, wandflower, western wall flower, white-topped aster, woodland star, xeranthemum, zinnia
How to sign: reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
Similiar / Same: blossom, bloom
Categories: reproductive structure
Within this category: apetalous flower, bud, chrysanthemum, floret, inflorescence, ray flower
How to sign: the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
Similiar / Same: heyday, efflorescence, flush, prime, peak, blossom, bloom
Categories: period, period of time, time period
Within this category: golden age