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How to sign: a parasitic plant lacking chlorophyll and leaves and true stems and roots and reproducing by spores
Categories: flora, plant, plant life
Within this category: agaric, ascomycete, Aspergillus fumigatus, basidiomycete, bird's-nest fungus, black root rot fungus, blastomycete, bolete, bottom rot fungus, brown root rot fungus, candida, clubroot fungus, coffee fungus, coral fungus, dead-man's-fingers, dry rot, Dutch elm fungus, earthball, earthstar, earthtongue, ergot, false morel, false truffle, felt fungus, gasteromycete, Gastroboletus scabrosus, Gastroboletus turbinatus, Gastrocybe lateritia, green smut fungus, gyromitra, hen-of-the-woods, jelly fungus, lichen, lorchel, Macowanites americanus, mildew, mold, monilia, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora infestans, pink disease fungus, pond-scum parasite, potato fungus, potato wart fungus, puffball, pythium, Radiigera fuscogleba, rhizoctinia, rust, sac fungus, scaly lentinus, sclerotinia, shiitake, slime mold, smut, stalked puffball, stinkhorn, tooth fungus, true fungus, truffle, verticillium, Volvaria bombycina, white fungus, white rust, Wynnea americana, Wynnea sparassoides, yeast, yellow spot fungus