ASL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: appear in a certain way
"This sounds interesting";

sound in ASL Watch how to sign sound in American Sign Language
sound - SignLanguageStudent
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sound in ASL Watch how to sign sound in American Sign Language
sound - ASL Search More details
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sound in ASL Watch how to sign sound in American Sign Language
sound - SignSchool More details
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Sound in ASL Watch how to sign Sound in American Sign Language
Sound - ASL Study
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sound in ASL Watch how to sign sound in American Sign Language
sound - SMARTSign Dictionary
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sound in ASL Watch how to sign sound in American Sign Language
sound - SMARTSign Dictionary
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Categories: appear, look, seem


How to sign: exercising or showing good judgment
"healthy scepticism"; "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"; "the healthy attitude of French laws"; "healthy relations between labor and management"; "an intelligent solution"; "a sound approach to the problem"; "sound advi;

levelheaded in ASL Watch how to sign levelheaded in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: levelheaded, intelligent, healthy


How to sign: make a certain noise or sound
"She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'";

go in ASL Watch how to sign go in American Sign Language
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Similiar / Same: go

Categories: cause to be perceived

Within this category: bang, bleep, blow, blow, boom, boom, buzz, chatter, chime, chug, clang, clangor, clank, click, clop, crack, drone, drum, glug, guggle, gurgle, honk, hum, lap, make noise, patter, ping, pink, pop, rattle, resonate, resound, ring, ripple, roll, rumble, rustle, skirl, snap, snarl, splash, splat, squelch, tap, thud, tick, ting, tinkle, trump, twang, tweet, whish, whistle, whistle, whizz


How to sign: a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water

strait in ASL Watch how to sign strait in American Sign Language
strait - SMARTSign Dictionary
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Similiar / Same: strait

Categories: channel

Within this category: Bering Strait, Bosporus, Cook Strait, Dardanelles, East River, Golden Gate, Kattegatt, Korean Strait, Menai Strait, narrow, North Channel, Skagerrak, Solent, Strait of Dover, Strait of Georgia, Strait of Gibraltar, Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Magellan, Strait of Messina, Torres Strait

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