ASL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city
"they drive through town on their way to work";

town in ASL Watch how to sign town in American Sign Language
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town in ASL Watch how to sign town in American Sign Language
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Town in ASL Watch how to sign Town in American Sign Language
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town in ASL Watch how to sign town in American Sign Language

Categories: municipality

Within this category: Aberdare, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Abilene, Abydos, Acre, Actium, Actium, Agrigento, Albany, Alexandria, Alost, Alpena, Altoona, Antioch, Anzio, Appleton, Asheville, Athens, Athens, Austerlitz, Ayr, Bangor, Bangor, Bangor, Barstow, Bartlesville, Bath, Batna, Bellingham, Bemidji, Bend, Bennington, Bethlehem, Bethlehem, Biloxi, Blackpool, Blacksburg, Bloomington, boom town, Boulder, Bowling Green, Bozeman, Brattleboro, Brunswick, Brunswick, Bryan, burg, Butte, Cairo, Calais, Canterbury, Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Carlsbad, Chablis, Chalcedon, Champaign, Chapel Hill, Cherbourg, Churchill, Clinton, Coeur d'Alene, Columbia, Columbia, Columbus, Concord, Cooperstown, Council Bluffs, Cuzco, Dawson, Daytona Beach, Decatur, Del Rio, Dharhan, Djanet, Dodge City, Dubuque, East Saint Louis, Eau Claire, Elmont, El Aaium, Enid, Entebbe, Eureka, Farmington, Farmington, Fayetteville, Fayetteville, Fayetteville, Flagstaff, Florence, Fort Myers, Fort Smith, Frederick, Gadsden, Gainesville, Gallup, Galveston, Gettysburg, ghost town, Gloucester, Grand Island, Great Falls, Greenville, Greenville, Greenville, Hagerstown, Hannibal, Hastings, Hattiesburg, Hays, Hershey, Hibbing, Hilo, Hippo, hometown, Hot Springs, Houghton, Idaho Falls, Interlaken, Ithaca, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jalalabad, Johnson City, Jonesboro, Kalamazoo, Kennewick, Key West, Kingston, Kingston, Klamath Falls, Knossos, Lafayette, Lafayette, Lander, Laramie, Las Cruces, Lawrence, Lawton, La Crosse, Lewiston, Lewiston, Lexington, Los Alamos, Lubavitch, Lufkin, Main Street, Mankato, Mansfield, Mariehamn, market town, Marquette, Mason City, Massawa, McAlester, McAllen, Medford, Medford, Melbourne, Meridian, Midland, Missoula, Moline, Monroe, Monroe, Monterey, Monte Carlo, Morgan City, Morristown, Muncie, Muskogee, Nag Hammadi, Nampa, Nanaimo, Natchez, Nazareth, Newburgh, New Brunswick, New London, Nogales, Nogales, Nome, North Platte, Ogden, Orono, Ottumwa, Owensboro, Oxford, Paducah, Palm Beach, Palo Alto, Panama City, Paris, Pensacola, Pilsen, Pine Bluff, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Pocatello, Poplar Bluff, Portsmouth, Prescott, Princeton, Rapid City, Redding, Reggane, Rochester, Rock Island, Rock Springs, Roswell, Rutland, Saginaw, Saint Cloud, Saint Joseph, Salina, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Maria del Tule, San Angelo, San Mateo, San Pablo, Saqqara, Sarasota, Saratoga Springs, Sault Sainte Marie, Sedalia, Selma, Sherman, Silver City, Sitka, Stagira, Stratford-on-Avon, Superior, Taos, Tara, Texarkana, Texarkana, Thule, Timgad, Timimoun, Tivoli, Traverse City, Tupelo, Tuscaloosa, Tuskegee, Twin Falls, Tyler, Urbana, Valdosta, Vancouver, Viborg, Vichy, Vicksburg, Victoria, Virginia, Wagga Wagga, Walla Walla, Watertown, Watertown, Wausau, West Palm Beach, Williamstown, Wilmington, Yakima, Yellowknife, Yuma


How to sign: the people living in a municipality smaller than a city
"the whole town cheered the team";

townsfolk in ASL Watch how to sign townsfolk in American Sign Language
townsfolk - SMARTSign Dictionary
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Similiar / Same: townspeople, townsfolk

Categories: municipality

Within this category: borough

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