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How to sign: a job in an organization
"he occupied a post in the treasury";
Similiar / Same: post, billet, situation, position, office, spot, place
Categories: business, job, line, line of work, occupation
Within this category: academicianship, accountantship, admiralty, ambassadorship, apostleship, apprenticeship, attorneyship, bailiffship, bishopry, cadetship, caliphate, captainship, cardinalship, chairmanship, chancellorship, chaplaincy, chieftaincy, clerkship, commandership, comptrollership, consulship, controllership, councillorship, counselorship, curacy, curatorship, custodianship, deanship, directorship, discipleship, editorship, eldership, emirate, fatherhood, fatherhood, foremanship, generalship, governorship, headship, headship, hot seat, incumbency, inspectorship, instructorship, internship, judgship, khanate, lectureship, legation, legislatorship, librarianship, lieutenancy, magistracy, managership, manhood, marshalship, mastership, mayoralty, messiahship, moderatorship, overlordship, pastorship, peasanthood, praetorship, precentorship, preceptorship, prefecture, prelacy, premiership, presidency, primateship, principalship, priorship, proconsulship, proctorship, professorship, protectorship, public office, receivership, regency, residency, rulership, sainthood, secretaryship, senatorship, sinecure, solicitorship, speakership, stewardship, studentship, teachership, thaneship, throne, treasurership, tribuneship, viceroyship, viziership, wardenship, wardership, womanhood
How to sign: a place where a craft can be made fast
Similiar / Same: mooring, moorage, slip
Categories: anchorage, anchorage ground
How to sign: a bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers
Similiar / Same: built in bed, bunk
Categories: bed
Within this category: lower berth, upper berth