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How to sign: move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner
"the wheels skidded against the sidewalk";
See also: slip up, trip up, stumble
Similiar / Same: slide, slue, slew, skid
Categories: glide
Within this category: side-slip, skid, submarine
How to sign: to make a mistake or be incorrect
See also: slip up, trip up, stumble
Within this category: fall for, misjudge, misremember, stumble
How to sign: a socially awkward or tactless act
Similiar / Same: faux pas, gaffe, solecism, gaucherie
Categories: bloomer, blooper, blunder, boner, boo-boo, botch, bungle, flub, foul-up, fuckup
How to sign: insert inconspicuously or quickly or quietly
"He slipped some money into the waiter's hand";
Categories: enclose, inclose, insert, introduce, put in, stick in
How to sign: a place where a craft can be made fast
Similiar / Same: mooring, moorage, berth
Categories: anchorage, anchorage ground
How to sign: an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall
"he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills";
Similiar / Same: trip
Categories: misadventure, mischance, mishap
Within this category: spill
How to sign: move out of position
"dislocate joints"; "the artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically";
Similiar / Same: dislocate, luxate, splay
How to sign: a small sheet of paper
"a receipt slip";
Similiar / Same: slip of paper
Categories: piece of paper, sheet, sheet of paper
How to sign: a woman's sleeveless undergarment
Similiar / Same: chemise, teddies, shimmy, teddy, shift
Categories: undergarment
How to sign: bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow
"the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase";
Similiar / Same: pillowcase, pillow slip, case
Categories: bed linen
How to sign: an unexpected slide